Monday, July 5, 2010

Meet the Stormtroopers


TK168 is perhaps the luckiest stormtrooper around. He sometimes does ponder where his good fortune comes from. What he doesn't know is that his designated number '168' actually reads 'yi liu fa' in mandarin. A good number to have which translates to 'easy to prosper'

Disciplined and streetwise, he takes great care of his armored uniform and blaster. Though he aims to be the best stormtrooper in the unit, he dislikes the ways of the dark side and carries out orders based on his own discretion.

His motto "To be counted upon to do the right thing at the right time......every time."


The total opposite of his partner, TK158 is the unluckiest stormtrooper ever.

TK58 can be identified by the tiny speck of dirt on the top right breast plate of his armour and his slightly misaligned weapon. Hot-tempered and cranky most of the time, he strives to escape from work duties as much as possible.

His motto: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"

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